
Dec 28-30, 2003.

For a more in-depth travel diary, see Katja's LiveJournal


A water spreader on way between Dunedin and Christchurch. We saw some even bigger than this one. They were watering even though it rained.
The Christchurch millenium statue. The artist was inspired by the swirl of leaves in the square, and modelled the swirl. All leaves are native and are depicted and named at the foot of the monument.
The Christmas decoration on the biggest bank of New Zealand, a govenmental company.
This used to be the post office. Before, the post, telephone and a bank were the same company. They were split up a couple of years ago into governmental companies and none of them wanted the house. It was empty for some years until last year when the Visitor Info centre, Starbuck's, and a restaurant moved in.
The room where the city council held its meetings in the 1800's, before New Zealand got one single government.
Christ's college, a public (private for those of you not speaking British) school for 11-18 year olds. 500 students go here, not all of them are boarding.
On to the second set of Auckland pictures

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